- Night Beautyeul Tightening Stick
- Description
This is a Woman hygiene tightening remedy made from natural plants such as Honeysuckle, Pearl Powder, and Madura Mountain Root known to be utilized in the ancient times in Asia for constricting the size of the vagina. It helps refresh cell, strain the vagina, regulate coitus apathy, improve the flexibility of the vagina and enhance coitus sensation, and make you feel like a girl within 30 seconds; it stimulate the woman’s hormone and delays aging; it cleans the vagina terrain, excludes the poison from the vagina; it regulates the stashing, the pigmentation color spots on face.
- Ingredient
Ingredients used in this product are Pearl Layer Powder, borneol, and plants from Madura Mountain.
- Prescriptions
Don’t be used during coitus or use one hour before intercourse. After use, wash the item again for next time usage. Keep it in a dry shade place.
- Usage
Use it before half or one hour of intercourse love. After drawing the vagina, fit into the vagina sluggishly, and whirled for about 30 seconds. After using, wash the product again for the next usage.
- Benefits
- Enhance the sexual feeling
- refine the flexibility of the vagina
- Stimulate the female hormone and detention aging;
- Clean the vagina terrain
- Help and cure all kinds of gynaecomastia